Disaster struck Isabella’s family when her husband, father and sons Walter and Alasdair were tried for treason and executed by the vengeful King James I of Scotland in 1425. Isabella and her daughter survived this violent purge of the Albany Stewarts, which almost obliterated her family, but she was forced to spend eight years as a royal hostage at Tantallon Castle.
Graham Brown, the Nashville Chamber Orchestra, Rick Vito, Jessi Alexander, and Billy Burnette, the latter in a quartet that included bassist Dave Roe (Johnny Cash) and Kenny Vaughan (Lucinda Williams).
After being traded to the Bucks, Villanueva averaged 16.7 ppg and 6.9 rpg with the Bucks in the 2008-2009 season. Babcock traded Rafer Alston to the Houston Rockets for point guard Mike James on October 4, 2005.
On the final track on the disk, Keeping the Faith, Rager’s drumbeat helps uncoil the ambivalence of the song: a subtle nostalgia in Garrod’s voice and in the band’s mellowed playing butts against the promise of future dreams fulfilled if one’s desire endures.
Ramphotyphlops exocoeti. Ramphotyphlops exocoeti (also known as Christmas Island blind snake) is a blind snake species endemic to Christmas Island. No subspecies are currently recognized. Found on Christmas Island (Australia)
Graduate assistants are graduate students from the MSU School of Music who help arrange music for halftime shows, conduct challenges, and assist with auditions. Typically, the Spartan Marching Band has only one drum major for the entire ensemble.