Tinju Al El Vs Farhat Abbas Vs Dewi

Mahmoud Abbas stated he would accept a return to negotiations and abandon the decision if the Israelis agree to the 1967 borders and the right of return for Palestinian refugees. Israel labelled the plan as a unilateral step, to which Foreign Minister Erekat replied, We are not going [to the UN] for a unilateral declaration of the Palestinian state.

Muppalaneni Shiva received Nandi Award for Best Screenplay Writer for this film. Srinivas (Vineeth) and Prabhu (Abbas) are roommates. Srinivas is a sincere guy working in BATA as manager. Prabhu is a parasite, who uses the money and room of Srinivas for his own luxury.

In post-production Sudharnoto handled music while Suparman Sidik did sound. The film was edited by Janis Badar. The film starred Jenny Rachman and Roy Marten, with other roles handled by actors including El Manik, Sys NS, Ami Priyono, Farouk Afero, and Chitra Dewi.

In 2013, Assaf was named a goodwill ambassador for peace by The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). He was also named ambassador of culture and arts by the Palestinian government and was offered a position with diplomatic standing by the Palestinian president Mahmood Abbas.

The angklung was played to honor Dewi Sri, the goddess of fertility, so she would bless their land and lives. The angklung also signaled the time for prayers, and was said to have been played since the 7th century in Kingdom of Sunda.