He would be the second member to adopt a stage name. On August 22, Star Empire Entertainment announced that a ZE:A and Nine Muses collaborative subgroup would be formed, titled Nasty Nasty. The group consisted of Nine Muses members Kyungri and Sojin, and ZE:A member Kevin.
The yeasts are kept frozen under liquid nitrogen or freeze-dried in glass ampoules. To ensure the collection’s safety, it is also duplicated and stored off site. Yeasts have been stored and revived successfully decades later.
The front cover was taken by Cammie Toloui of the Yeastie Girlz and, although the man on the front is unknown, he is referred to as Walter on the back cover. Hayes handled the layout and packaging, and put together an extensive booklet of the bands’ pictures and lyrics to all of the songs and sent the artwork to Positive Press in Oakland to be printed.
U-293 was fitted with five torpedo tubes (four fitted at the bow and one at the stern), fourteen torpedoes, one SK C/35 naval gun, 220 rounds, and an anti-aircraft gun. The boat had a complement of between forty-four and sixty.
Its 72 vertices represent the root vectors of the simple Lie group A. The symmetry order of an omnitruncated 9-simplex is 725760. The omnitruncated 8-simplex is the permutohedron of order 9. The omnitruncated 8-simplex is a zonotope, the Minkowski sum of nine line segments parallel to the nine lines through the origin and the nine vertices of the 8-simplex.
They are wide, and usually corrugated to let the user’s head move about without the tube pinching at kinks. Each end usually has a screw connection. They may contain a one-way valve to keep the air or gas flowing the right way.