Other Notable Landmarks. Baybay Ilog (Sagip Ilog) is a project of Department of Tourism and Congresswoman Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. In the Baybay Ilog, Bye-bye Basura project, officials and volunteers were gathered at the Banqueruan Port in San Nicolas 1st, Lubao where the kick-off the clean-up drive started.
Following a leadership spill for the position of Leader of the Australian Labor Party, in June 2013 Emerson resigned his ministerial portfolios and said he would not contest his seat at the next election.
Plans for the Kiev Metro aim to nearly double its length by 2030-35. Several projects are underway: If all of this is completed the Metro will rise from the present 50 stations to approximately 100, which will include several ghost stations on the Syretsko-Pecherska Line.
The Hanauers were unable to afford the cost of the trip and so were unable to take up the invitation. In 2007, the 1894 final was replayed and Viktoria were crowned the official 1894 champions. The formation of the DFB helped establish for the first time a clear divide between association football and its close cousin.
However, in May 2008, both world records of ERD well were surpassed by the GSF Rig 127 operated by Transocean, which drilled the ERD well BD-04A in the Al Shaheen oil field in Qatar. This ERD well was drilled to a record measured depth of including a record horizontal reach of in 36 days.
Smithsonian officials said Samper’s administrative experience proved critical in his appointment. Under Samper’s direction, the museum opened the $100 million Behring Hall of Mammals in November 2003, received $60 million in 2004 for the Sant Hall of Oceans, and received a $1 million gift from Tiffany & Co. for the purchase of precious gems for the National Gem Collection.