In the aftermath of the phylloxera epidemic, the Canaiolo vines did not take well to grafting onto new American rootstock and the grape began to steadily fall out of favor. As of 2006, total plantings of Canaiolo throughout Italy dropped to under 7,410 acres (3,000 hectares).
On this scale, 5 is considered Advanced, 4 is considered Goal, 3 is considered Proficient, 2 is considered Basic, and 1 is considered Below basic. Until the 2005-2006 school year the CMT was administered in the fall; now it is given in the spring.
Geert De Lombaerde serves as editor, with William Williams (a member of the original staff of the aformentioned The City Paper, the Post sister publication that ceased operations in August 2013 after a nearly 13-year run) the managing editor.
The reversal of direction may be optional. One variation has expanded to such an extent as to have its own related name. Many of the above rules are the same. In this case, the number 3 becomes Fizz, 5 becomes Buzz, and 7 becomes Woof.
The falling exam results in 2013 led to an Ofsted inspection and report in February 2014. Ofsted reported that. However, contrary to expectations the proportion of pupils gaining 5GCSEs A-C (including English and Maths) did not increase in 2014.
Natalya Sats Musical Theater. The Natalya Sats Musical Theater, formally known as the Moscow State Academic Children’s Music Theater Named After Natalya Sats, is a theater specializing in opera, ballet and dramatic productions for children.